- Sponsored by MoonMail
Bickle Knee Sliders
BICKLE KNEE SLIDERS are made from a very hard material with a very low coefficient of friction. This allows the puck to last longer and give better feed back to the rider. The slider does not grab the tarmac but allows your knee slider to be placed and slide over the asphalt without catching. We've also added a slight curve as most suits today have knee and shin armor. This helps the puck to make contact with all the attaching velcro. Bickle Knee sliders are hand made. Bickle Knee Pucks are 3.5 inches wide by 5 inches long and 3/4 inch thick with our latest design. In comparison to other aftermarket knee sliders which are 3" wide and 4" long , 3/4" thick on the side and half inch thick in the middle. We have en-devoured to give you a lasting puck with as much surface area and thickness as possible. More value for your dollar! Bickle Knee sliders are also made from solid stock, no holes or mold cavities to decrease the longevity. We experimented with different thickness's of material at Calabogie Motorsports Park. This track is the toughest track in Canada on knee sliders.In order to help riders get better value we tried different thickness's. The 3/4 inch seamed to be the best value providing extended wear and still providing the great feel we're known for.